Yay Knitting!

Today our little knitting group met for the second time. We have a new member; welcome Hala. It’s funny, I got there first and was buying a cup of coffee when this smiling woman came up to me and asked me if I was a knitter. At first I couldn’t figure out how she knew, then I realized I was carrying my bright yellow bag that says “I Knit” on it. DUH!

Actually, I’ve been really bad with my knitting since I got here, partly because I’ve been so busy and partly because I didn’t really bring much yarn with me. I’ve been working on Honeymoon from Knitty since I managed to pick up some GGH Mystik from Loop in London on my way to Abu Dhabi. I’m not happy with it though. My tension isn’t right. I think for this yarn, because it’s so slippery, I may need smaller needles. I’m currently doing it on 4mm circulars but I might have to frog it and go down to 3.5 mm.